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ObjInSpace - Class in edu.byu.cs.superasteroids.model
It is a super class for all the objects that will be positioned in space on the game.
ObjInSpace() - Constructor for class edu.byu.cs.superasteroids.model.ObjInSpace
OcteroidAst - Class in edu.byu.cs.superasteroids.model
It is a class that creates an object that will represent the octaroid asteroid type on the game.
OcteroidAst() - Constructor for class edu.byu.cs.superasteroids.model.OcteroidAst
onCreate(SQLiteDatabase) - Method in class edu.byu.cs.superasteroids.database.DbOpenHelper
Create the tables.
onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase, int, int) - Method in class edu.byu.cs.superasteroids.database.DbOpenHelper